JordiShape is the latest innovative technology that works for both face and body.
It’s a combination of rotational and vacuum massage with radio frequency, electromagnetic waves, and red and blue light which works on all levels of the skin. It efficiently reduces body fat, removes cellulite, firms, and smooths the skin, improves drainage, blood circulation, and restores a harmonious body shape.
A long-proven technology for eliminating fatty deposits and cellulite. Exposure to a suction vacuum in tandem with rotational movements stimulates metabolism in cells. It promotes elimination of water retention, eliminates lymph congestion and enhances blood flow to tissues.
RF energy acts on the fibres of the skin. They heat up and shorten, making the skin tighter, more elastic and firmer.
Due to the fact that excess water is removed from the tissues, the swelling of the skin disappears. Radio wave therapy naturally stimulates the contraction of collagen fibres, blood flows better to all tissues, folds and wrinkles are smoothed out, bags under the eyes and saggy skin areas, including in the chin area, disappear.
It is necessary to stimulate metabolism in cells, reduce swelling, remove toxins, relieve muscle spasms and pain.
It starts biochemical processes in the skin, stimulates collagen production, increases elasticity, fights bacteria, evens out skin tone and removes toxins.
Lighter Legs
Tissue Firming
Scar reducing
Support with liposuction
Reduce tendon inflammation
Face and breast lifting
Guaranteed results.
Positive 25% increase in the active stimulation surface.
21,600 microstimulations per minute.
If you have any questions about colonics, give us a call and we will be happy to talk to you.