Colon Hydrotherapy (1 session)
Colon Hydrotherapy (3 sessions)
Colon Hydrotherapy (6 sessions)
Colon Hydrotherapy (6 sessions) with Pri-Biotic Implant
Probiotic & Wheatgrass
Ozone rectal insufflation
Far Infrared Pressotherapy
EMS Sculptor 2 areas same time
EMS sculptor 2 areas
Course of 4 - 1 area
Course of 4 - 2 areas same time
Course of 4 - 2 area
Course of 6 - 1 area
Course of 6 - 2 areas same time
Course of 6 - 2 areas
Course of SIX 5% discount
Course of TEN 10% discount
Rectal insufflation (10 sessions)
Ear insufflation (10 sessions)
Vaginal insufflation
Vaginal insufflation (10 sessions)
Signature JordiFacial
small area(scars and blemishes)
Eyebrow shape and wax
Mens - Abdomen or Back or Chest
Mens - Back and Shoulders